Back to work this morning a I couldn't be more happier about it (insert sarcasm here). Over my New Year's holiday my great-grandmother passed away. She was in her late 80's and very sick. She was bed ridden and suffering so I am so glad that she isn't suffering anymore. It hurts the worst seeing my grandmother so sad. I can't imagine what she is going through or how she is dealing with it. She is such a strong woman but you can tell she is breaking.
Changing the subject to a more positive note: Ali and I went shopping yesterday and bought all kind of good stuff. Ali got her diaper bag. It is a navy blue columbia diaper bag and she will have the New York Yankees emblem monogramed on it because she LOVES the yankees. We got 2 gender nuetral pajama outfits and pack of wash cloths, socks, shoes, bibs, and I bought a lot of maternity things that were on sale. I am getting so excited about finding what the sex of the baby is. My aunt swears to me that it is twins. I just don't think so. I know there is a possibility that she is right but I don't feel it. We will know soon enough on January 24th.
7weeks 2days
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