Thursday, February 3, 2011

The new OB..

Yesterday was our appt with the new doctor. As soon as we walked in I felt at home. It was nicely decorated and the patients waiting in the waiting area seemed to be very nice looking and very well dressed. I felt like it was more of my kind of place to be. I am not high maintenance or a snob but I like nice things and want to be surrounded by like minded people. I signed in and the receptionist gave me forms to fill out and asked for my insurance card and license. I waited about 5 minutes and then she escorted me down a long hallway. We passed several other small waiting areas and then we turned a corner and where at my doctors waiting area. The nurse checked my weight and asked me several questions and then had me collect a urine sample. We went in with the doctor and he gave me the run down of do's and don'ts. Answered all of my questions and gave me my new EDD of August 20th!! After we talked to him they took me down several hallways and through several doors until we arrived at the area where they do all of the ultrasounds. I waited for about 15 minutes then my name was called and then Ali and I went into this room that was very dimly lit and they lady asked me to lie down on the table and pull up my shirt. She squirted the jelly on my belly and then put the wand on my tummy. I saw the most amazing little nugget squirming around. It really looked like a baby. It was punching and kicking and jumping. It was so cute and she found the heart beat and said it was very strong. I am so in love with this baby and it has only been in my belly for 12 weeks!!

11 weeks 5 days

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