Keeping up with a blog is hard work.....
A little update: 8weeks 5days, I had major cramping that night, decided I wouldn't call the on call number my doctor gave me and wait it out until the morning. When I woke up they weren't as bad and then throughout the day they got worse. Finally about 2:30 that afternoon I they were really bad and I had a feeling something was wrong. I went to the bathrrom and checked my cervix and I had a very tiny bit of spotting. I called the doctor in a panic and he said that implanatation occurs around weeks 7 and 8 and that is what it could be. I was like what the hell are you talking about? Implantation occurs in week 3!!!!! I am no doctor but I know that much. I was furious with the answer he gave me and he could tell so he told me to come in and get checked out and he would do an ultrasound. I went in that afternoon knowing it would be my last time visiting him. He did the ultrasound and I got to see the most amazing little creature in this world. Our baby!!! One, perfect, beauitful, beating heart. I felt better immediately. The next Monday I did some research on my doctor and found out that his license had been revoked a few years ago due to what I am assuming is sexual harassment. I called a doctor who was highly recommended to me and now I feel tons better and haven't even seen the new doctor.
My new doctor's appointment is on Feb 2nd (11weeks 4days) Hopefully they will do an ultrasound and use the doppler that day. I can't wait to here the sound of the heart beating. Since I switched doctors that switched the hospital I will deliver at and I am more pleased with the new hosiptal as well. I think it was a great dexicsion all around.
We did an intelligender test and it said BOY. I could still bet money that it will be a girl, but the test said boy. We will see in about 7 weeks.
[9weeks 6days]
A few pictures from the last week.
The baby's first picture.

Intelligender results

First yankees attire

Baby's bassinet
Baby's crib :)